Crypto Market Rebounds, EOS Price Tops $2.35 (EOS)

EOS (CURRENCY: EOS) traded 0.4% higher against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 13:00 PM ET on February 7th. In the last week, EOS has traded up 1.3% against the dollar. One EOS coin can now be purchased for approximately $2.35 or 0.00069172 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including Livecoin, OTCBTC, QBTC, and C2CX. EOS has a market cap of $2.13 billion and $475.82 million worth of EOS was traded on exchanges in the last day.

EOS (CRYPTO: EOS) is a distributed proof-of-stake (dPOS) coin that uses the DPoS hashing algorithm. Its genesis date was June 26th, 2017. EOS’s total supply is 1,006,245,120 coins and its circulating supply is 906,245,118 coins. 

EOS Coin Trading (Buying and Selling)

EOS can be bought or sold on these cryptocurrency exchanges: Exrates, Huobi, Coindeal, Cryptopia, Coinone, CoinExchange, BCEX, Coinrail, Koinex, CoinBene, COSS, Bibox, Kraken, ZB.COM, Bit-Z, Kucoin, Coinbe, YoBit, Tidex, Livecoin, Poloniex, OEX, Kuna, Bitbns, Rfinex, DOBI trade, Vebitcoin, DragonEX, QBTC, Cobinhood, DigiFinex, GOPAX, Bilaxy, Cryptomate, LBank, Instant Bitex, Binance, Upbit, Coinsuper, ChaoEX,, Hotbit, Liqui, Neraex, C2CX and IDAX.

It is usually not possible to buy alternative cryptocurrencies such as EOS directly using US dollars. Investors seeking to acquire EOS should first buy Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as Gemini, Changelly or Coinbase. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to buy EOS using one of the exchanges listed above.

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